Measure H
What is Measure H?
On December 5, 2019 the Board of Directors of the Jurupa Area Recreation and Park District voted to place Measure H on the March 3, 2020 ballot to provide funds for District park and recreation programing and maintenance. If approved, the Measure will generate approximately $860,000 annual.
How Much will Measure H cost?
Measure H will be $30 per parcel, per year. There is no cost of living adjustments built into the measure so the rate will never increase. The measure can be repealed by the voters at any time.
What Park and Recreation services can Measure H fund?
If approved, Measure H may fund repair, upgrades and maintenance of community parks and related facilities, programs and services including:
· Increase recreation activities for children and adults including seniors
· Increased park security
· Renovate and repair parks, facilities, arenas and trails
· Increase energy and water efficiency
What are Measure H’s Fiscal Accountability Requirements?
Measure H requires annual independent audits to ensure all funds are spent in accordance to the provisions set in the measure language.
Have further questions? E-mail the General Manager