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First 5 Riverside Swimming Lessons Scholarship Opportunities

Logos of Jurupa Area Recreation & Park District and FIRST 5 Riverside with colorful leaf design.

100% and 50% Scholarships Available to qualifying applicants.

Low income families and/or families receiving public assistance, with children 5 years or younger, are encouraged to apply to the First 5 Riverside Swimming Lessons Scholarship *. Scholarships are reviewed on a first come, first served basis.


If you are Low Income, but do not receive Public Assistance, please complete this applicationIf you receive Public Assistance (CalFRESH, CalWORKS, etc.), please complete this application
Please email completed applications to or bring to Park District Office at 8621 Jurupa Rd., Jurupa Valley 92509 (Application must be fully filled out and signed by applicant to be considered complete).


* Please note, proof of Public Assistance and/or Proof of Income, Proof of Residency, and Child's Birth Certificate will be required to determine if applicant qualifies for scholarship(s).


It's a flyer for swimming lessons at two high school pools, with session dates, classes offered, and contact information.
Flyer for swim lessons at Rubidoux and Jurupa Valley High Schools, with registration details, class offerings, schedule, and contact info.


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